뉴스/소식 - Page 3 of 7 - Viva Pharmaceutical Inc.

2014년 2월 26일 – BC주 외교통상부 대표단 Viva를 방문하다.

The BC Ministry of International Trade visited Viva Pharmaceutical Inc on February 26th.  Members of the delegation included Mr. Ben Stewart, BC Representative in Asia, Mr. Michael Nicolas, Senior Director of Natural Resources and Agri-Food, and Mr. John McDonald, Executive Director of Natural Resources and Agri-Food.20150226_155945_resized


2015년 2월 17일 – World Journal Article에 기재된 Viva.

World Journal 신문을 읽으시는 분들은 2 17일날짜 신문에서 익숙한 얼굴을 보셨을것입니다. Viva Pharmaceutical Inc 회장이신 Dr. Jason Ko 대해 기사가 실려있었기 때문이죠. 기재된 기사는 캐나다에서 제일 규모가 제약회사인 Viva 대한 정보와

Readers of the Word Journal newspaper may have spotted a familiar face on Tuesday, Feb 17.  Our president and CEO, Dr. Jason Ko, was featured in an article.  The article recognizes Viva Pharmaceutical Inc as Canada’s largest nutraceutical and pharmaceutical manufacturing company, as well as outline the company’s dedication to while complying with strict guidelines and providing top quality products.  The article also states Viva’s intention to provide Viva brand OTC products beginning in April.  An excerpt (in Chinese) is provided below.


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